4ème IRN France-Japon Métabolisme et photosynthèse

Date : 02-12-2021
Lieu : Webinaire
Entité concernée : BIAM


The objective of this IRN-FJFPB (IRN-France-Japan Frontiers in Plant Biology) consists in forming a structured network of leader plant scientists in France and in Japan. This IRN-FJFPB proposal is conceived to reinforce the collaborative research between multidisciplinary groups by exchanging information, ideas and cutting-edge experimental approaches. For this objective, the project will deploy multiple scientific activities including: (1) bilateral symposiums, (2) exchanges of young and senior researchers, (3) training of young researchers (PhD students and postdocs), (4) summer schools and workshops, (5) publication of articles in a special thematic issue of a scientific journal, and (6) promotion of joint research programs.
Since 1991, the plant science community of the two countries has organised bilateral symposiums that played an essential role in fostering partnerships. The establishment of international joint research projects has contributed to the production of co-publications of primary importance by group-to-group and individual collaborations.

December 2nd, 2021 09.00/11.30 France

Coordinator France : Dr Thierry GAUDE UMR 5667 SFR BioSciences Gerland-Lyon Sud Reproduction et Développement des Plantes ENS Lyon  thierry.gaude@ens-lyon.fr

Coordinator Japan: Takayuki KOHCHI, Professor, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Biostudies, 606-8502 Kyoto, Japan, E-mail



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