Chercheur CEA
04 42 25 28 97
Biosciences and Biotechnologies Institute of Aix-Marseille
CEA/CNRS/Aix-Marseille University, France
Tel: 33-442254366
E-mail: damien.sorigue@cea.fr
Lab home page: https://biam.cea.fr/drf/biam/Pages/laboratoires/lb3m.aspx
ORCID: 0000-0003-1149-0757
Chercheur Postdoctoral CEA (2017-2019) CEA Cadarache
Doctorat ès Sciences (2016), laboratoire G. Peltier, CEA, Aix Marseille Université
Master Microbiologie, Biologie Végétale et Biotechnologie (2013), Aix Marseille Université
- Sorigué, K. Hadjidemetriou, S. Blangy, G. Gotthard, A. Bonvalet, N. Coquelle, P. Samire, A. Aleksandrov, L. Antonucci, A. Benachir, S. Boutet, M. Byrdin, M. Cammarata, S. Carbajo, S. Cuiné, R. B. Doak, L. Foucar, A. Gorel, M. Grünbein, E. Hartmann, R. Hienerwadel, M. Hilpert, M. Kloos, T. J. Lane, B. Légeret, P. Legrand, Y. Li-Beisson, S. L. Y. Moulin, D. Nurizzo, G. Peltier, G. Schirò, R. L. Shoeman, M. Sliwa, X. Solinas, B. Zhuang, T. R. M. Barends, J.-P. Colletier, M. Joffre, A. Royant, C. Berthomieu, M. Weik, T. Domratcheva, K. Brettel, M. H. Vos, I. Schlichting, P. Arnoux, P. Müller, F. Beisson. (2021) Mechanism and dynamics of fatty acid photodecarboxylase. Science
- L. Y. Moulin, A. Beyly, S. Blangy, B. Légeret, M. Floriani, A. Burlacot, D. Sorigué, Y. Li-Beisson, G. Peltier, F. Beisson. (2020) Fatty acid photodecarboxylase is an ancient photoenzyme responsible for hydrocarbon formation in the thylakoid membranes of algae. bioRxiv
- L. Y. Moulin, B. Légeret, S. Blangy, D. Sorigué, A Burlacot, P. Auroy, Y. Li-Beisson, G. Peltier, F. Beisson. (2019)Continuous photoproduction of hydrocarbon drop-in fuel by microbial cell factories. Scientific reports 9, n° 13713
- Sorigué, B. Légeret, S. Cuiné, S. Blangy, S. Moulin, E. Billon, P. Richaud, S. Brugière, Y. Couté, D. Nurizzo, P. Müller, K. Brettel, D. Pignol, P. Arnoux, Y. Li-Beisson, G. Peltier, F. Beisson (2017) An algal photoenzyme converts fatty acids to hydrocarbons. Science 357:903-907.
- Sorigué, B. Légeret, S. Cuiné, P. Morales, B. Mirabella, G. Guédeney, Y. Li-Beisson, R. Jetter, G. Peltier, F. Beisson (2016): Microalgae Synthesize Hydrocarbons from Long-Chain Fatty Acids via a Light-Dependent Pathway. Plant Physiology 171:2393-405.