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SeedUSoon software release notes
SeedUSoon development releases
This table lists all versions of SeedUSoon, including beta versions released before the first public release of SeedUSoon (v1.1.1)
1.3.0 |
15/04/2019 |
New features |
1.2.0 |
05/07/2018 |
New features |
1.1.2 |
11/01/2017 |
Bug fix |
1.1.1 |
30/09/2016 |
Improvements and bug fixes |
1.1.0 |
30/03/2015 |
New features and bug fixes (Admin mode) |
1.0.1 |
01/10/2012 |
Bug fixes |
1.0.0 |
20/12/2011 |
Basic functions (User Mode) |
Novelties in SeedUSoon v1.3.0:
Major modifications:
-Encryption of saved passwords for database connection
-At start-up, the previously used database is pre-selected
Minor modifications:
-New field naming for improved clarity
-After login, the User Mode is activated
Major modifications:
-Deletion of all Admin accounts prohibited
-Possibility to enter new pathogenicity targets/organism classes
-Import Persons names from a spreadsheet (Excel spreadsheet saved in .CSV)
-Import Plant Lines info from a spreadsheet (Excel spreadsheet saved in .CSV)
-Import Seed Batches info from a spreadsheet (Excel spreadsheet saved in .CSV)
-Editing of alarm parameters, in a species dependent manner:
Activation/deactivation of an alarm triggered at a specific time after harvest
Activation/deactivation of an alarm triggered when no Seed Batches are placed in storage
Activation/deactivation of an alarm triggered at a specific time after Germination test
-Creation of an alarm (non-editable) highlighting Plant lines with no recorded Seed Batches
Minor modifications:
-A message warns admins that restarting the software is required to apply any modifications in User Mode
-Functions for creating a new entry placed on top of the columns (instead of underneath)
Major modifications:
-Refresh search result after line renaming
-Search plant lines based on:
Seed batch harvest date
Organism class (Pathogenic risk)
Selectable marker in plants (resistance)
Person involved in a specific experiment
Parent line name
Minor modification:
-Search parameters: “Seedbatch” field placed above “Genetic features”
Major modifications:
-Possibility to export seedbatches when exporting several plant lines at once in SeedUSoon format
-Possibility to edit a line name during line import when an identical line name already exists
-User must select an option in the “Person” and “Species” scroll-down menus when creating a line
-Line, plant or seedbatches creation wizards: skipping steps is enabled (by pressing “Finish”).
-Crossing and mutagenesis wizards: more intuitive filtering function when searching for the parental lines + possibility to search for the parental lines using a seed batch ID
-Export one or several Plant Lines in CSV format (including attached files)
-Plant and seedbatches: allow n “phenotyping” files instead of only one
-MTA generation: easier preparation of the MTA template (insensitive to formatting)
Minor modifications:
-Improved ergonomy and field depiction during Plant Line export
-Genealogy tree:
Export of the full image even if zoomed in before export
Indication on the line history (mutagenesis/crossing) in the pop-up when scrolling over the links
-Seedbatches: field “Comment” placed more prominently
-MTA generation: preview of the MTA template
Novelties in SeedUSoon v1.2.0:
Major modifications:
-Connection to multiple databases enabled through a scroll-down menu
-Verification of compatibility between the user’s software and database version at start-up (update control)
Major modifications:
-Faster access to admin mode
-Optional line counting for faster data edition
Major modifications:
-Line/seedbatch query based on barcode scanning
-New function accessible from the query result table: possibility to generate an MTA for selected plant lines through an MTA wizard
-Faster query result after selecting “Show all”
Minor modifications:
-Addition of a pop-up clarifying the use of the symbol “%“ to replace characters in the query
Major modifications:
-During line import from another SeedUSoon database (.json format): when options are not available in the database, possibility to select other options during import
-Line duplication wizard (links to parental lines are severed during the duplication process)
-In all wizards: “Next>” or “Finish” are preselected
-Simplified procedure for plant line generation using the “crossing” wizard
-From the seed batches table: export of a .csv file for label printing (including a barcode field)
Minor modifications:
-Buttons allowing the addition of an additional mutation within an existing plant line are moved to a less prominent location (below the list of Genetic features)
-Clarification/simplification of plant and seed batches table content
-No file extension imposed when uploading a file