5th international PTM Bact

The 5th edition of the international meeting dedicated to post-translational modifications (PTMs) in bacteria will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2024, in Rouen, France.     The meeting topics will cover all known bacterial PTMs, including protein phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation, pupylation, RiPP, targeted degradation and other modifications, as well as the […]

Journée Agro-Risques : Qualité des sols et santé des plantes

Un partenariat Green News Techno Nîmes – mardi 15 novembre 2022 Détails du programme : https://info.green-news-techno.net/emailing/31630/2442/r16viiviuzgpamihuifvfhgpuspuvvjvogu/emailing.aspx Une journée en accès libre mais sur inscription (souhaitée avant le 10 novembre) Lien vers l’inscription : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cVDSIJ6RAvzY4NNqwoOMcrhA7oyw3BYXz5LGJYgUZ7Y/viewform?edit_requested=true  

Plant Synthetic Biology Conference 2022

The Plant Synthetic Biology Conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain on September 19-21, 2022. This Conference is jointly organised by the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG, Barcelona, Spain) and the CEPLAS-Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences, University of Düsseldorf and Cologne (Germany). The meeting will bring some of the global leaders in […]

33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 5-9 June 2022

the 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023)   The 21st ICAR was held in Yokohama in 2010, the commemorative final year for the international Arabidopsis 2010 project. During the past decade, plant biology has moved forward tremendously thanks to new technologies, resources, and various research projects on important topics. We are very happy to […]

L’urgence climatique en méditerranée… Et nous ?

Seconde journée du cycle de rencontres interdisciplinaires « Tout un monde en mouvement » au Mucem  JEUDI 17 MARS 2022 La Mission Interdisciplinarité(s) et le Conseil du Climat d’Aix-Marseille Université vous convient à la seconde journée du cycle de rencontres interdisciplinaires « Tout un monde en mouvement « , qui se tiendra au Mucem et en ligne sur le […]

Renouveau de l’industrie solaire photovoltaïque en Europe

Dans le cadre de la PFUE 2022, le CEA, SolarPower Europe et InnoEnergy, organisent la conférence « Renouveau de l’industrie solaire photovoltaïque en Europe » le mercredi 2 mars 2022.   Principaux orateurs : François Jacq, Administrateur général, CEA Kadri Simson, Commissaire à l’énergie Thierry Breton, Commissaire au marché intérieur Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO, SolarPower Europe Diego Pavia, […]

The 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Plant Lipids

The 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Plant Lipids At Galveston Texas from January 29th to February 3rd We are currently finalizing the program. We recognize that the pandemic has made our community less cohesive and we would like to ask for your help strengthening it. Please recommend for invitation the new labs, the underrepresented, and […]