An unusual nucleotide that protects plants during starvation

A BIAM team has discovered that a plant molecule acts as a natural brake on photosynthesis when plants grow in nutrient poor soil. This brake is necessary for avoiding irreversible damage, and allows plants to survive longer in these difficult conditions. This discovery could help towards the development of resilient crops capable of adapting to […]
Live visualization of gene transcription in all cells of a plant

press release A CEA and CNRS research team has made it possible for the first time to visualise the transcription of genetic information (copying of DNA into messenger RNA) in all the cells of young plants in real time and with a level of definition never before achieved. These results highlight numerous biomechanisms in response […]
Soil bacteria preserved from uranium ion toxicity by a uranium-iron binding protein

collaboration involving the CEA-BIAM and the CEA-Joliot has revealed a mechanism that would allow soil bacteria to protect themselves against uranium in the environment. Access of the radionuclide to the cell would be blocked by a protein capable of binding not only uranium but also iron. Figure 1 : les souches ViU2A, HG3 et A9 […]
Bacterial radioresistance: Zinc, a precious metal!

After having characterized in 2014 and in 2019 the pair of proteins offering Deinococcus bacteria an extreme resistance to radiation, BIAM researchers have just discovered that the molecular signal serving as a switch to this resistance process is a metal, Zinc! This mechanism would also contribute to the virulence of certain pathogens. A discovery that […]
Functioning of a key photoenzyme decrypted

The functioning of the FAP enzyme, useful for producing biofuels and green chemistry, has been deciphered. This result mobilized an international team of scientists, including many French researchers from CEA, CNRS, Inserm, École Polytechnique, the universities of Grenoble Alpes, Paris-Saclay and Aix-Marseille, as well as the European Synchrotron and the Synchrotron SOLEIL. This discovery is […]