Team Interactions Protein-Metal Metals play a fundamental role in biology, in particular because they are essential to the functioning of many proteins. But they can also be toxic because of their intrinsic properties or for some of them like actinides, 90Sr, or 60Co because they are radioactive. We seek to decipher the mechanisms of these […]
EBMP research topics and projects
Research axes 1. From nutrient sensing to nutrient homeostasis and biomass growth Photosynthetic growth relies on a balanced supply of solar energy, CO2 and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate, iron…). Faced with a fluctuating environment (nutrient availability, temperature increase, water shortage, fluctuating CO2 levels…), cells must constantly adjust their metabolism to ensure their survival. In order to […]
EBMP publications
EBM Publications EBM Patents 2016 Beisson F, Sorigué D, Légeret B, Cuiné S, Blangy S, Peltier G (2016) “New fatty acid decarboxylase and its uses.” European Patent Application n°16 305583.3. 2014 Schulz-Raffelt M, Chochois V, Li-Beisson Y, Peltier G (2014) Green microalgae lacking a functional DYRK-1 gene, for use for production of feedstock (EP14305673.7). 2008 […]
Team and skills EBMP
Team “Bioenergies and Microalgae” Research fields : Lipid metabolism (algae and plants); Photosynthesis; Microalgae genetics and physiology Technical know-how : controlled algal cultures in PBR; Biophysic analyses of algal cultures (chlorophyll fluorescence; JTS); Membrane inlet mass spectrometry; Lipid analyses and lipidomics; Biochemistry; Molecular biology; Flow cytometry Team Leader Yonghua LI-BEISSON Team ManagerResearch DirectorCEA Frédéric Beisson Deputy […]
HAL publications
HAL Publications of BIAM
Collaborative projects and networks
Ongoing collaborative projects and networks A*MIDEX Training tomorrow’s researchers in an international context at the crossroads of interdisciplinarity ECCOREV Continental ecosystems and environmental risks GDR2104 – IBCO2 Integrative biology of CO2 capture GERLI Study and Research Group in Lipidomics RESTORE Project Exploring natural solutions for forest restoration Finished projects MATHER Magnetotactic bacteria and magnetosome-based theranostic […]
Technological platforms
Our technological platforms and technical platforms BIAM’s multidisciplinary research is supported by several technological platforms, the most successful of which are HELIOBIOTEC, a partner in the IBISA project for microalgal biotechnology, and PHYTOTEC, which has been awarded the IBISA label for plant experiments under controlled conditions. The Cité des Énergies also supports the ZOOM shared […]
BIAM News and Newsletters News Newsletters Stay informed about research topics, new projects, the latest collaborations and the life of our Institute by subscribing to our newsletter. To consult our Newsletters : https://biam.cea.fr/drf/biam/Pages/actualites/newsletter.aspx
Advancing the field of knowledge The objective of our institute is to advance many fields of knowledge and to develop biotechnological concepts. To achieve this, 9 scientific teams study the response and adaptation mechanisms of its preferred biological models, which are bacteria, microalgae and plants, to the constraints of their environment. Teams and research themes […]
BIAM Presentation
Diapositive précédente Diapositive suivante BIAM Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille “Generate knowledge and develop green solutions in the field of low-carbon energy or environmental monitoring and protection” BIAM is a Joint Research Unit that brings together CEA, CNRS and Aix-Marseille University (UMR 7265), located on two strategic geographical sites : the CEA Cadarache center […]