Seedusoon software and database download

SeedUsoon software and database download Current software version: SeedUSoon 1.3.0 (released 15/04/2019) Download the APPLICATION combined with the software for DATABASE CONFIGURATION Alternatively: Download only the APPLICATION (for the user’s computer) Download only the DATABASE CONFIGURATION FILES (for the configuration of the server) Unzip the files, and read the “install.txt” files before starting the installation
Seedusoon Licence

SeedUSoon download Current software version: SeedUSoon 1.3.0 (release date: June 2nd 2019) SeedUSoon: A new software program to improve seed stock management and plant line exchanges between research laboratories 2017 Front. Plant Sci. Céline Charavay, Stéphane Segard, Nathalie Pochon, Laurent Nussaume and Hélène JAVOT. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00013 The SeedUSoon software is freely distributed to non-for profit academic research laboratories, pending the acceptance of […]
Surprising copper biomineralisation discovered in a strain of magnetotactic bacteria

BIAM scientists and their partners have identified a novel genetically controlled biomineralisation in a magnetotactic bacterium: located at the cell periphery, the periplasm, a genetically-controlled sulfur and copper compound is formed. This discovery opens the way to new bioremediation applications. The living world has a multitude of organisms capable of synthesising mineral structures by incorporating […]
Enzyme tandem responsible for dangerous crop pest fungi

During research on the bioproduction of citrus flavours by phytopathogenic fungi, scientists from INRAE, CNRS and CEA-BIAM discovered the role of a pair of enzymes in their infectious mechanism. This is an important advance that could help accelerate the reduction in the use of fungicides. The objective of the Funtastic project supported by the ANR […]
Prize of the Academy of Sciences

David PIGNOL, Director of the Institute of Biosciences and biotechnologies of Aix-Marseille, winner of the 2022 Pierre Desnuelle Prize and the Berthelot Medal On October 18 and November 22, 2022, the French Academy of Sciences will be awarding all the prizes it grants on a four years basis to both experienced, as well as early […]
BEAMM research topics

BEAMM Team Trois thématiques de recherche Diversité, écologie et évolution des microorganismes Bactéries magnétotactiques Carbonates d’alcalino-terreux intracellulaires Hyperaccumulateurs de phosphore Symbioses mutualistes magnétotactiques eucaryotes – bactéries sulfatoréductrices Image de microscopie électronique en transmission d’une coupe fine d’un holobionte magnétotactique échantillonné en mer Méditerranée Adaptation microbienne et réponse aux stress environnementaux : physiologie, régulation génétique et […]
Team and skills

BEAMM team Team Leader Christopher LEFEVRE Team ManagerResearcherCNRS Permanent positions Caroline MONTEIL ResearcherCEA Philippe ORTET ResearcherCEA Béatrice ALONSO EngineerCEA Fixed-term contracts and internships Romain BOLZONI PhD student Camille MANGIN PhD student Elsa TURRINI Design engineer

BEAMM team Biodiversity, Ecology and Adaptation of Magnetotactic Microorganisms Team objectives Our team is interested in the biodiversity, ecology and adaptation of microorganisms to environmental constraints in aquatic environments with high physicochemical pressure. Transmission electron microscopy images of environmental magnetotactic bacteria. Scale bars represent 0.5 µm We are conducting a diversity exploration mission to: Reveal […]
The photosynthetic booster of microalgae revealed

PRESS RELEASE Press area – An international collaboration involving BIAM researchers and the Carnegie Institution for Science of Stanford (USA) has deciphered the mechanism by which microalgae capture atmospheric CO2 in an extremely efficient manner. The research teams have revealed photosynthetic energy production and distribution networks that are involved in the concentration of CO2 […]
News GDR 2104 – IBCO2

Précédent Suivant GDR 2104 – IBCO2 News 20 June 2022, Symposium on redox regulation and carbon-nitrogen interactions in plants, Gif sur Yvette. A tribute to Pierre Gadal It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Pierre Gadal, which occurred on October 26, 2019 at the age of eighty-one. In order to […]