Unveiling the mechanisms of plant adaptation to environmental constraints

Researchers from the BIAM’s Plant Protective Proteins (PPV) team have characterized one of the mechanisms allowing plants to respond to environmental fluctuations that modify metabolism and limit growth. This result, established in partnership with teams from the CEA and CNRS, could help improving plants’ ability to adapt to climate change. Stomata, located on the leaf […]
Some pearl millet genotypes store atmospheric carbon more efficiently than others in the soil

A scientific collaboration has just demonstrated that it is possible to quantify the rhizodeposition of carbon by pearl millet and its storage in the soil, over just a few weeks of growth, thanks to the measurement of the natural abundances of carbon isotopes (δ13C and F14C). The comparison of different inbred pearl millet genotypes made […]
An unusual nucleotide that protects plants during starvation

A BIAM team has discovered that a plant molecule acts as a natural brake on photosynthesis when plants grow in nutrient poor soil. This brake is necessary for avoiding irreversible damage, and allows plants to survive longer in these difficult conditions. This discovery could help towards the development of resilient crops capable of adapting to […]
Live visualization of gene transcription in all cells of a plant

press release A CEA and CNRS research team has made it possible for the first time to visualise the transcription of genetic information (copying of DNA into messenger RNA) in all the cells of young plants in real time and with a level of definition never before achieved. These results highlight numerous biomechanisms in response […]
Seed u Soon

SeedUSoon software Improve your seed inventory management and protect scientists’ work New software to improve your seed inventory management and protect scientists’ work A new software program to improve seed stock management and plant line exchanges between research laboratories 2017 Front. Plant Sci. Céline Charavay, Stéphane Segard, Nathalie Pochon, Laurent Nussaume and Hélène JAVOT. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00013 To […]

Magnetotactic bacteria and magnetosome-based theranostic systems Our objectives Magnetotactic microorganisms, capable of moving along the lines of the earth’s magnetic field, are of interest to scientists seeking to develop biomedical applications capable of transporting and delivering treatments to the heart of the organism. Microorganisms such as bacteria and algae have developed efficient systems to detect […]

GERLI – The French Lipidomics Group GERLI is a savent society run by a board and reinforced by a scientific council. Created in 1978, it is part of the French Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM) which has many thematic groups. At the European level, GERLI is associated with EURO FED LIPID, European Federation […]

Previous slide Next slide GDR – 2104 Integrative Biology of CO2 Capture How can photosynthesis research contribute to a sustainable future? The aim of this group is to expand the circle of scientists in the field of photosynthesis to foster research and innovation related to all fields of this study. The GDR2104 IBCO2 (Integrative Biology […]

ECCOREVA Research Federation to bring together environmental and human sciencesClic here COntinental ECosystems and Environmental Risks How to bring together and promote interdisciplinarity between environmental sciences and human sciences and provide answers to environmental issues ? Natural and industrial risks, depletion of soils, water resources and, more broadly, biodiversity are areas in which it is becoming […]

EcoBiam Bâtiment Le BIAM bénéficie indéniablement de l’aura de ses tutelles que sont le CEA, le CNRS et AMU. Son implantation stratégique au voisinage immédiat du CEA Cadarache et du projet ITER, rassemble dans un même périmètre des acteurs majeurs du domaine des énergies bas carbone puisqu’elle rapproche le BIAM et ses trois tutelles, de […]