P&E Research Themes

Research Themes Understanding how Photosynthesis Acclimates to the Environment Motivated by the advancement of scientific knowledge, our research topics can meet potential needs in agronomy, ecology, plant breeding, bioenergy or green biotechnologies. Indeed, scientific expertise in integrated photosynthesis is needed to invent solutions for adaptation or mitigation to climate change, to understand the acclimation of […]

P&E team and skills

Photosynthesis and Environment Team Leader Jean ALRIC Team ManagerResearch DirectorCNRS Xenie JOHNSON Deputy managerResearch DirectorCEA Permanent positions Bernard GENTY Research FellowCNRS Stefania VIOLA ResearcherCEA Soazig MALESINSKI Design engineerAMU Fixed-term contracts and internships Mohand HACHEMANE PhD student Steven ZEHNACKER PhD student André VIDAL MEIRELES Post-Doctoral Researcher Léo MARTIN Engineer Alumni Alexis RICHÉ (2019-2021)Postdoc Yusuke MIZOKAMI (2015-2020)Postdoc […]


Photosynthesis and Environment Team How does photosynthesis work? Photosynthesis is the biological mechanism of CO2 fixation and conversion of solar energy into sugar. Photosynthetic organisms manage, thanks to solar energy, to manufacture organic matter from inorganic matter. A better understanding of the process of photosynthesis allows for a better understanding of the productivity of plants […]

MEM research topics

Research topics Bacterial radioresistance and oxidative stress sensing By Laurence Blanchard and Arjan de Groot Our research aims to decipher the molecular mechanisms that confer Deinococcus bacteria extreme resistance to radiation and DNA-damaging stresses (e.g. desiccation, UV, mitomycin C (antibiotic, anti-cancer agent), and oxidative stress in general). In this context, our work focuses on the […]

MEM team and skills

Team and skills Team Leader(s) Pascal ARNOUX Team ManagerResearch DirectorCEA Laurence BLANCHARD Deputy managerResearch DirectorCNRS Damien FAIVRE Deputy managerResearch DirectorCEA Marina SIPONEN Research Engineer Permanent positions Daniel CHEVRIER ResearcherCNRS Nicolaas Arjan DE GROOT Research DirectorCEA Emilie GACHON ResearcherCEA Mila SIRINELLI-KOJADINOVIC Associate ProfessorAMU Catherine BRUTESCO EngineerCEA Sandra PREVERAL Research EngineerCEA Géraldine ADRYANCZYK Engineer AssistantCNRS Géraldine BRANDELET […]


Environmental and Molecular Microbiology Our objectives The Molecular and Environmental Microbiology (MEM) team is international, composed of researchers and students from several countries, with different and complementary scientific backgrounds. MEM is organized in three groups focusing on: Radiation-resistant bacteria and their responses and adaptation mechanisms to radiation and oxidative stress Metal uptake and the study […]

LGBP Research Themes

Research Topics Our objectives Structure and function of photosytems Stefano CAFFARRI, Rainer HIENERWADEL, Colette Jungas, Quentin CHARRAS (PhD). A particularity of photosynthetic organisms is their ability to use solar energy to produce complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules. In particular, Photosystem II and Photosystem I are important enzymes where the absorption of light and […]