LGBP research projects

Research contracts and funding 1. Studies of the interactions between TOR and DYRK kinases and evaluation of their role in the control of growth and lipid synthesis in plants and algae ANR TOR-DYRK control [2021-2025] This project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) aims at removing the biological lock that forces microalgae to […]
LGBP team and skills

Team and skills Team Leader Stefano CAFFARRI Team ManagerFull ProfessorAMU Ben FIELD Deputy managerResearch DirectorCNRS Benoît MENAND Deputy managerResearch FellowCNRS Permanent positions Denise ARAGNOL Full ProfessorAMU Patrice CRETE Assistant ProfessorAMU Rainer HIENERWADEL Full ProfessorAMU Hélène JAVOT Research DirectorCEA Christophe LALOI Assistant ProfessorAMU Marie-Hélène MONTANE ResearcherCEA Christophe ROBAGLIA Assistant ProfessorAMU Colette JUNGAS EngineerCEA Pascaline AUROY- TARRAGO […]

Luminy Plant Genetics and Biophysics team – LGBP How do plants regulate their growth? From photosystem dynamics to signalling pathways The LGBP develops interconnected and interdisciplinary projects that form a continuum from the dynamics of light-collecting photosystems to stress signalling inside and outside the chloroplast that regulate plant growth. Our model organisms are the flowering […]
LEMIRE Publications

LEMIRE Publications
LEMIRE team and skills

Team LEMIRE Team Leader(s) Wafa ACHOUAK Team ManagerResearch DirectorCNRS Catherine SANTAELLA Deputy managerResearch FellowCNRS Permanent positions Thierry HEULIN Research DirectorCNRS Johannes STUTTMANN Research DirectorCEA Mohamed BARAKAT Research engineerCNRS Gilles DE LUCA Research engineerCNRS Marie-Ange PALOMARES EngineerCEA Adeline ARMELIN TechnicianCEA Sylvain FOCHESATO TechnicianCEA Fixed-tern contracts and students Ivan ALEKSIEIENKO PhD student Anaïs BLACHE PhD student Tom […]
LEMIRE databases

Database Metadata analyses and bacterial regulatory systems databases To carry out our work, bioinformatics tools are used/developed at LEMiRE for metadata analysis, in silico studies, genome mining and creation of regulator databases. Databases : Rapid changes in the physico-chemical conditions of the environment of bacteria require an adjustment of their physiology that may involve a […]
LEMIRE research themes and projects

Research topics Plants have co-evolved with their microbiota for more than 300 million years. The whole genome of this microbiota (microbiome) is an extension of the host plant genome (holobiont). The interactions between the host and its microbiota rely on sophisticated ways to communicate and coexist. Complex, interconnected networks of signals and metabolites modulate the […]

Pseudomonas brassicacearum – Expression de l’ARN non codant rsmW Previous Next Team Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere Research on soil-plant-microbiota interactions Adaptive strategies and exploration of phytobeneficial bacterial genomes for a sustainable agriculture Research at LEMiRE is devoted to the study of the “soil-plant-microbiota interactions”, with a particular focus on the potential role of the […]
IPM Research Themes

Research topics Response to uranium and radionuclides of environmental bacteria Soil bacteria interact with metals and radionuclides (RN) and can modify their chemical speciation, thus modulating their mobility and bioavailability. Radionuclides are chemo- and radio-toxic elements that can in turn induce cellular stress and against which certain species exhibit a high tolerance capacity. At the […]
IPM publications

IPM Publications