Zoom team
Zoom team Platform Leader Christian GODON Engineer Permanent positions Fixed-term contracts and internships
Ionotec team
Ionotec team Platform Leader Nathalie PRAT-LEONHARDT Team ManagerResearch DirectorCEA Permanent positions Elodie MARCON EngineerCEA Fixed-term contracts and internships
Mégasol – Solar photovoltaic and electrochemical storage The Megasol platform has 12 MW of installed photovoltaic capacity. It is connected to the local electricity grid. Megasol is a platform for the demonstration and testing of technologies related to large-scale solar power plants. The aim of this project is to experiment with large solar demonstrators and […]
Micro algae
Microalgae and bioprocesses The “Microalgae” platform carries out the definition and proof of concept of industrial production processes for microalgae, for various applications: biofuels, cosmetics, food supplements, animal feed, plant chemistry, treatment of water or polluted smoke, etc. Lien https://www.cea-tech.fr/cea-tech/Pages/en-regions/pfa-micro-algues.aspx
Collaboration methods
Terms of collaborations This is a partnership platform open to academic and industrial partners when a common objective can be established. Our team is at your disposal for any information request. Write to us
Collaborations and Publications
Page under construction
Supply of skills and equipment
Technical know-how and instruments Lipid analyses and lipidomics Responsable : Bertrand Légeret (IEHC CNRS) HelioBiotec has all the necessary equipment to analyse microalgal lipids (membrane or storage glycerolipids) as well as other types of lipids (hydrocarbons, pigments, lipid polyesters and plant waxes). Types of lipids analyzed: Glycerolipids: phospholipids, galactolipids, sulfolipids, mono-, di- and tri-acylglycerols, betaine […]
HélioBiotec team
HélioBiotec team Managers Yonghua LI-BEISSON Research DirectorCEA Permanent positions Stephan CUINE EngineerCEA Bertrand LEGERET Design engineerCNRS Marie BERTRAND-HULEUX CNRS Scientific Advisors Fréderic Beisson Gilles Peltier
HélioBiotec – Microalgues
European platform HelioBiotec Explore the potential of microalgae for biofuel and green chemistry Context The HelioBiotec partnership research platform was created in 2009 as part of a State-Region Plan Contract involving funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Regional Delegation for Research and Technology (DRT), the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and the French Atomic […]
Skills supply
Previous Next How to benefit from the technical platform ? To know the availability of the equipment and the access modalities, we invite you to consult the pages reserved for each equipment. The platform operates in a collaborative mode for academic or industrial projects. To initiate a partnership, contact the person in charge of the […]