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COntinental ECosystems and Environmental Risks

How to bring together and promote interdisciplinarity between environmental sciences and human sciences and provide answers to environmental issues ?
Natural and industrial risks, depletion of soils, water resources and, more broadly, biodiversity are areas in which it is becoming imperative to cross disciplines in order to develop appropriate responses that are respectful of humans and the environment.
In order to meet the environmental challenges of today’s societies, it is now necessary to address these environmental issues by calling on all the disciplines concerned, bringing together the Life and Earth Sciences with the Human and Social Sciences. Indeed, as some research fields are organized in a “mono-disciplinary” manner, it was necessary to build a federating structure that would encourage exchanges and allow the development of resolutely pluridisciplinary projects.
To meet the challenges posed by these issues, the ECCOREV Research Federation (FR3098) was created in 2008. Supported by the CNRS Ecology and Environment Institute (CNRS-INEE) and Aix Marseille University (AMU), the Federation has subsequently created strong links with the new ITEM Institute. In total, more than 30 research units from Aix Marseille University (AMU), the Universities of Avignon, Toulon and Nîmes and numerous research organizations such as the CNRS, CEA, INRAE, IRSN, BRGM and INERIS have joined forces within the ECCOREV Federation.
The research topics covered are natural and industrial risks, water resources, soils, biodiversity and ecotoxicology as well as ecotechnologies.
ECCOREV pools research resources, organizes and finances an annual Call for Projects with the financial support of ITEM and offers training to its members.
BIAM provides expertise in plant biology and microbiology, and more particularly in plant ecophysiology and microbial ecology. BIAM teams coordinate or participate in several research projects funded by the Federation’s AOI.
Research units involved: : here
Director : Thierry Heulin (BIAM/CNRS)
Deputy-directors: Alexandra Lindenmann (AMU) and Nicolas Roche (AMU)
Head of Axis 3/Ecotoxicology and écotechnologies : Wafa Achouak (BIAM/CNRS)
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