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Collaborations and services
With 40 years of expertise, the PHYTOTEC platform puts its equipment at your disposal within the framework of collaborations or private contracts with respect of confidentiality clauses.
We are open to all types of plant cultivation and our know-how extends from Arabidopsis to Beech.
The experimental conditions can vary with precision in a large range and the good sealing of our chambers guarantees the best conditions for the enrichment in 13CO2.
The definition of the customer’s needs (experimental conditions; report…) is established by successive contacts. They are translated into technical requirements for our team. These elements are formalized on ad hoc forms for each experiment. These records are archived. They can be completed by the drafting of specifications and the signing of a service contract. 13C
Methods of collaboration
PHYTOTEC works on a collaborative mode or on the basis of external services. Requests will be studied by the management depending on the availability of equipment. For any information, please contact the platform manager:
CEA de Cadarache,
Bât 1900, 13108 St Paul lez Durance
+33 4 42 25 78 32

Head of the platform
Monique SABATY, manager Cité des Énergies
Patrice CRETE, manager Luminy
Key words
Phytotechnology, controlled conditions, isotopic enrichment, transgenic plant cultivation, gas exchange, imaging, phenotyping, climate, environmental conditions, confidentiality, custom development