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How to benefit from the technical platform ?
To know the availability of the equipment and the access modalities, we invite you to consult the pages reserved for each equipment.
The platform operates in a collaborative mode for academic or industrial projects. To initiate a partnership, contact the person in charge of the platform.

Funding and partnerships
ZoOM’s equipment is financially supported by the CEA, IRSN, CNRS, ECCOREV (ECosystèmes COntinentaux et Risques EnVironnementaux), the PACA region, the Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône (CG13) and Europe.

Team managers
Key words
Imagerie du vivant ; microscopie ; Ecotoxicologie ; radionucléides ; Microscope Confocal Zeiss LSM780 ; Microscope Leica LMD6000 ; Microscope Olympus Luminoview LV200 ; Microscope Axioobserver Z1 Zeiss ; Microscope Axiozoom V16 Zeiss ; Vibratome Leica VT1200S ; Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7 ; Histologie ; IRSN